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Save Lives
with Your
Year End Gift! 

The outlook for preborn lives in 2025 continues to be marred with insufficient legal protections and hundreds of thousands of women believing the lie that Abortion is Healthcare. You can send Truth and Help to the frontlines by contributing to our Year-End Campaign and ensure we continue to increase our reach to Abortion-Determined women to empower them to choose LIFE. 


We were running out of abortion pill reversal supply

Earlier this month, two women came into our Kenosha Clinic in one day after regretting the abortion pill they took. After calling in at midnight the evening before when she googled "regret abortion", "Megan" was a no-show for her abortion pill reversal the next day. We prayed and soon after, she called in to see if she could still come in. This was at the exact time another client was in our clinic receiving the abortion pill reversal which exhausted our progesterone supply in the Kenosha Clinic. By the grace of God, we were able to scramble and replenish the supply from our Racine Clinic. As "Megan" waited for her appointment, she heard the Gospel and chose to place her faith in Christ right in our lobby. That afternoon, "Kristin" was deeply moved by the love and follow-up care she received after being misdiagnosed and misled by a telehealth abortion provider and will be continuing well woman visits with our Certified Nurse Midwife. And finally, “Tatiana” came in that same day after talking with a client advocate on the phone and received a free ultrasound. Her mind had been set on an abortion but we praise God that she also chose life that day!


We need bold, unapologetic supporters to sow into this mission field so we can sustain and grow our reach into hurting communities!


Across three Women's Clinics and our Mobile Clinic which is deployed 4 days/wk in front of the Milwaukee Planned Parenthood, we are currently averaging 5-10 women every day opting for our life-affirming services instead of stepping foot into the Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic.

Medical Services

Every month, dozens of women receive pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, STI testing, prenatal care, and more at no cost instead of paying for those services in the abortion clinic. 


We boldly and unapologetically share the good news of Jesus Christ, praying for women after each appointment, and plugging them into the local church as they become born again.

Pregnancy Support

Almost every day, a woman will choose LIFE and access wrap-around care from our medical and social services staff. For women with unstable home conditions, we also offer our maternity home.

This beautiful
girl's mom chose life at Alliance.






Join the Community

Discover a community dedicated to upholding the sanctity of life and supporting families in need.

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